"True artistic expression lies in conveying emotion."

"True artistic expression lies in conveying emotion."

Friday, February 24, 2017

Film Friday | Agfa Vista 200 | Expired | #AllTheFilm

It's been a while since I actually did a Friday film post.  The holidays, a bum wrist, and sick kids have taken their toll; but with the promise of Spring on the horizon and the few pops of Spring-like weather we've experienced lately, I've managed to find the motivation to spend a little more time outside shooting film.  I also have a pretty good stockpile of film (mostly expired), so there's always that little box of goodness calling my name.

I'm not going to ramble a lot today (you're welcome), because it's beautiful outside, a storm front is approaching, and well.....there's a box filled with expired film calling my name.

So, here you have it. Agfa Vista 200, expired.  I want to give a big shout-out at my sweet friend Shonna for the film.  She sent me a magic box filled with vintage cameras and film, and is sort of like my new film fairy godmother.  (Hey, Shonna!)

This roll was shot on my trusty Nikon F100, and two walks on my road and in my yard on the same day; early-ish morning and near sunset.  I have a habit of rating and shooting at box speed, at least the first time I shoot any film stock. I know with any expired film, you need to over expose (and some films in general yeild better results when slightly overexposed, for example, Portra). However...I like to live dangerously, so I don't always overexpose expired film, and this roll was no exception.  With that in mind, you will see that most images were slightly desaturated, have a matte finish, and have a fair amount of an acidic green tint.

I didn't bother making any adjustments to this roll (I didn't even clean off dust specks or scatches), as I wanted to accurately represent the results of this film, slightly expired and rated at box speed.

this one and the next few are the results of my fascination with morning light and the remnants of the previous night's rain.

this is the top of a burned tree stump, where it appears the squirrels have been enjoying breakfast in the sun.

This old house is just beyond the tree line at the end of my driveway.
 I shot a roll of Fuji Superia 800 here this week, using the wide angle 15mm to shoot inside, so you can expect some of those shots next week.

This is the single-lane road we live on. As you can see, it's rather quiet and secluded out here. It makes a great place to walk and shoot film.

To be honest here, I had to shoot three frames of this at different exposures to get it right. Shooting with an in-camera meter so close to sunset is still pretty tricky for me.
Until Next Time-



Technical Details:

Nikon F100
Agfa Vista 200 (expired, rated at 200)
Nikon 28 2.8D
Sigma 105 2.8 EX
Processed at Dury's of Nashville
Scanned on Nortisu


  1. These are beautiful. Those first few of the morning light and raindrops - I keep coming back to those. And the last one - you wound up with one perfectly exposed shot. So eerie and beautiful.

    1. Thank you! And your favorites are my favorites, too. Something about that magic light.
